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Llandrindod Wells, Builth inlier, Weekend Field Trip led by Dr Joe Botting & Dr lucy Wells

May 13, 2022 @ 8:00 am May 15, 2022 @ 4:00 pm

WGCG residential field trip to Llandrindod Wells led by Joe and Lucy, who are are independent researchers working on ‘Burgess-Shale-type’ discoveries in Mid-Wales.


Friday eve.       Introductory talk on the ‘Builth Inlier’ – palaeontological and geological importance

Saturday a.m.   Visit to the Radnorshire Museum (in Llandrindod Wells) to see their substantial                                             displays (much from Joe and   Lucy’s own collections)

Saturday p.m.  Visit to the nearby Llanfawr Quarries – a Konservat-Lagerstatte with historically                                important igneous intrusions [which I have heard referred to as “bun-laccoliths”]

Sunday a.m. /   Geological tour around Llandrindod Wells – mineral springs, Silurian sediments,

      early p.m.  erratics, Ordovician volcanics and general scenery

For more information please contact [email protected]