Horsts and Grabens:  A field trip to Cleeve Hill , Gloucester with Nick Cridlaw.  8th Oct 2023

by Jane Allum Towards the end of the Palaeozoic (c.290m years ago), the north south trending Severn Basin began to form between what is now the Malverns, the Birmingham area and the Gloucestershire Oxfordshire border. Subsidence of the basin continued as sediments were deposited  through the Triassic and early Jurassic. At that time the UK …

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Urban Geology of Warwick  led by Jon Radley – Oct 13th – Earth Science Week event

Despite a very gloomy weather forecast, a full party of 16 turned up at the museum for this public engagement event.  We were very fortunate that the weather stayed dry for our building stones trip. This trip took a different and shorter tour than the tour in June, finishing with a guided tour of the …

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SSSI Monitoring – Gareth Jenkins, Peter Hawksworth, Kathrin Schütrumpf & Anthony Allen

Condition surveys have been undertaken at Waverley Wood Farm SSSI and Harbury Quarries SSSI in partnership with The Geology Trusts.  The purpose of the visits are to determine the current condition of selected SSSI for Natural England. Waveley Wood Farm (naturalengland.org.uk) SSSI is located in Bubbenhall Wood and was visited on the 6th September by …

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Field Trip to Hill Farm, Maxstoke & Corley Rocks – 19/8/23 by Mike Allen

This excursion examines two sites offering perhaps the best exposures of the late Carboniferous Red-Beds of the “Warwickshire Group” currently available in the north of the county. They are located on opposite sides of the Warwickshire Coalfield (an uplifted area known as the Coventry Horst) and both display outcrops of current-bedded sandstone delivered by large …

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WGCG Suffolk Field trip 15-17th September 2023  by Frances Morley

We assembled in Saxmundham Market Hall on Friday evening to meet our leader for the weekend, Tim Holt-Wilson. Despite problems with the projector, he delivered an interesting and informative talk about the geology of Suffolk, setting the scene for the field trip. Whilst walking to the next location, we passed the impressive ruins of a 14th century …

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