Weekend Field Trip: Flamborough Coast (Yorkshire), led by Paul Hildreth

This weekend Field trip will commence on Friday evening with a presentation of the geology of the area followed by dinner. Saturday and Sunday will be spent in the field, ending around 16:00 hrs Sunday 9/7/23. The Flamborough headland coast is celebrated for its Chalk scenery, geomorphology and tectonics. There are also some superficial glacial …

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Field Trip: Cleeve Hill, Gloucestershire. Led by Dr Nick Chidlaw

The location has the most complete stratigraphic succession of the Middle Jurassic InferiorOolite Group in the Cotswolds. A lot of sections were re-exposed by Gloucestershire GeologyTrust some years ago. Post-glacial landforms will be described.The scenery from this location is fabulous with great views over the Severn Valley to theMalverns and beyond on a clear day. …

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Lickey Hills Geo Walk

A free guided walk for all the familyThe history of the Earth is written in the rocks beneath your feet.Your guide will take you back almost 500 million years to an ancient shoreline, when Britain lay in the southern hemisphere. You will explore the evidence for the convulsions the rocks suffered as Britain collided with …

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GeoWeek 2022, 7-15th May

If you want to learn more about the history of our planet, and learn how understanding how the Earth works helps us all live on the planet sustainably, get involved with GeoWeek outdooractivities taking place across the UK between 7-15 May 2022. You can learn more about the ‘Net zero by 2050’ theme of some …

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