The giant pliosaur, Steve Etches and David Attenborough

BBC image from Etches collection website:

If you missed this riveting documentary on BBC you can catch up using the BBC iplayer (click the hyperlink). This was described as a 1 in a billion find, such is the importance of this discovery. Be amazed at how Steve and his friends designed a skid mounted box to recover this huge and importnat discovery from mid way up a Kimmeridge cliff.

As of today (2/1/24) the head of this sea monster will be on display at The Etches Collection Museum of Jurassic Marine Life. If you have never been then you really should make the effort. It has a world class collection regularly visited by researchers from around the world and by local school groups. WGCG were proud to make a financial contribution, from the Holloworth fund, to this museum during the pandemic in order to help sustain it during a difficult period.

Kimmeridge is close to Kimmeridge bay and is worth a good day exploring. The structures and sedimentary features are well worth investigation and there are lots of ammonites and belemnites fossils to be found. If you are planning a trip to Dorset take a look at this website for locations to visit. The geology of Kimmeridge bay can be found here. For frequent visitors to Dorset then the GA field guide by Prof John Cope is an essential companion.