Local Geological Sites (LGS)
Conservation activities by volunteers include the identification and maintenance of a network of nearly 100 Local Geological Sites.
News! Of these LGS locations, WGCG volunteers have conducted resurveys and completed reports on 42 to February 2021
These are published and can be seen alongside the original reports on the LoGS List
Formerly LGS were called RIGS, Regionally Important Geological Site
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) also called ‘Triple-SI’
WGCG volunteers list and monitor the 20 SSSIs in Warwickshire which are listed at: https://www.wgcg.co.uk/lgs/sssi
There is good general UK SSSI info here
Geoconservation Projects
Conservation by volunteers includes the clearance of overgrown sites. Here are some examples: –
Ufton Fields – (LoGs102.pdf due soon) – See Pages 16-19 in Spring 2018 WGCG Bi-annual Newsletter WGCG worked with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust
Kenilworth Cutting – also see LoGs97.pdf- also see Page 27 in Spring 2018 WGCG Bi-annual Newsletter
Purley Quarry, MancetterLoGS41. Leaders John Crossling & Colin Frodsham in 2012 [or 2015 perhaps?].
See leaflet: “Shattering Discoveries at Purley Quarry, Mancetter” and photo of a week-long exhibition in Atherstone
Moor Wood Railway Cutting LoGS11. WGCG site clearance was led by John Crossling. [Date TBA]
Temple Grafton – It’s on Page 7 of the Spring 2009 WGCG Bi-annual Newsletter
Hill Farm Quarry, Maxstoke LoGS53, WGCG site clearance led by Ian Fenwick. Date: c.2005
A422 Quarry Hornton LoGS59
Creation of Geological Time Wall
WGCG volunteers searched county-wide for useable supplies of Warwickshire’s rocks, especially rare White Lias
and assembled this multi-million year geo-history into : The Rocks of Warwickshire in a Geology Time Wall
This permanent feature is on public view at The Warwickshire Wildlife Trust Visitor Center at Brandon Marsh
At Brandon Marsh, this Geology Time Wall shows 650 million years of Warwickshire’s Rocks – all done by by WGCG.
WGCG is pleased to liaise and work with many partner organisations and individuals which include: –
- The Geology Trusts
- Natural England
- Warwickshire Wildlife Trust
- Warwickshire County Council (WCC) Country Parks
- Warwickshire County Council (WCC) Highways Dept
- Canal and River Trust
- National Trust
- Sustrans Cycle Route
- The Market Hall Museum, Warwick, Dr Jon Radley, Keeper of Natural History,
- Local District Councils, Planning Depts.
Last Updated on 13 Apr 2021