An aim of WGCG is to raise public interest in our fascinating Warwickshire geology and its wider importance to our lives, business and industry.
In order to achieve this aim we: –
- continue to install and maintain information / interpretation panels at places of geoscientific interest around Warwickshire.
- actively promote geoscience news and the activities of the WGCG using our Internet and social media platforms;
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. - update our WGCG website with a number of education downloads and videos as well as listing upcoming walks, talks and training sessions (which non-members are welcome to join).
Note. During the pandemic many of these activities are online. - periodically take our displays to public events to inform and encourage our visitors interests in what’s under their feet, introducing the concept of deep time.
- endeavour to provide stimulating discussion and information packs to encourage others to become actively interested in this subject which is all around and impacts daily life
- can organise interesting geoscience related talks to community groups and educational establishments.
- We ran GeoWeek 2019 and hope to do so again in future.
In addition we’ve teamed up with The Lapworth Museum, Birmingham University for a taught (pre-booked) visit to The Lapworth Museum, Birmingham University. The WGCG offers a Grant, to primary schools, to cover transport costs for one class group for this. The number of pupils to be agreed with The Lapworth Museum on booking.
More details and how to apply here.
Last Updated on 14 Apr 2021