Half LGS Re-surveyed & Published

WGCG monitors more than 100 Local Geological Sites (LGS) throughout Warwickshire. In recent years re-surveys and been conducted and by February 2021, WGCG members had completed and published re-survey reports for 43 sites on the WGCG LGS List  

Make Exercise an Exploration

Chase Lane Exploration by Ian Fenwick. April is an ideal time to delve into your local geology as you take your daily exercise. Many of the fields are being prepared for spring-sown crops. Revealed with the bare soil are clues to the underlying geology, clues for all to see and to mull over. There must …

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Down to Earth (115) May ’21 Out Now!

Don’t Miss: • News up front: Billion year old fossil reveals missing link in evolution of animals • Article: Sedimentary Rocks • Rockstars: Delabole Slate, Cornwall • Fragradalsjfall in Iceland Click link to see and read or download DtoE 115, May 2021

Holloway Donation for Etches Museum

WGCG has been thanked by The Etches Collection museum in Kimmeridge, Dorset. “Your very generous donation and it will go a long way in supporting our cause and ensuring the sustainability of our amazing museum and collection,” was the message from the museum. The museum displays the wonderfully conserved and curated personal collection of Steve …

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Charles Lyell’s Notebooks Saved

A fundraising campaign that enabled the University of Edinburgh to purchase and save Charles Lyell’s original notebooks from being taken abroad. WGCG was pleased to contribute to the funding. “Best known for his bestselling book, Principles of Geology (1830-1833), Lyell established the theory that the earth was millions of years old and that it was …

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New Ryton Pools Interpretation Panel

Ryton Pools, Dunsmore, Geology Interpretation Board

The Ryton Pools Interpretation Panel tells the story of the Bytham River flowed along a wide valley stretching from here to Baginton, running north-eastwards into the North Sea. Sands and gravels that were deposited by the river were once quarried here.Bones have been found which show that the area was home to many animals such …

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‘Henry Clifton Sorby – Microscopist & Geologist – Sheffield’s Greatest Scientist’ by Noel Worley for WGCG 21 April 2021

Sorby’s geological accomplishments have since undergone a reprise with international scientific recognition in the fields sedimentology, fluid inclusion geochemistry, structural geology and cosmology.  His greatest triumphs were undoubtedly in the development and application of microscopic techniques and he is regarded throughout the world as the father of petrography, metallography and sedimentology.  He unleashed the power …

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