AGM (members only event)

The AGM will be held at 7pm and is expected to take C.20 minutes. This will be followed by a slide show and a short talk given by a guest speaker. (Details to follow).

Evening Lecture: Stromatolites: Making Mountains out of Microbes – Prof Ian Fairchild

For most of Earth history the only macroscopic evidence of life are the intricately layered rocks called stromatolites. Like trace fossils they record an interaction between organisms and sedimentary processes. The key players are the cyanobacteria, formerly known as blue-green algae, which played a vital role in oxygenating the Earth through their photosynthesis. Build-up of …

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GeoWeek. Deep Time Travel through Kenilworth old town

On Monday 29 June Ray Pratt, assisted by Kathrin Schutrumpf, led a group of the public around Kenilworth old town. The event was organised and promoted by Kenilworth Council as part of their Nature Week festival, which co-incided with GeoWeek. Being a town geotour, the number of participants was limited to 16. (52 expressed interest). …

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GeoWeek Event in Talisman Square, Kenilworth

On Saturday May 27th WGCG participated in Kenilworth Nature week, a half term event organised by Kenilworth Council which co-incided with GeoWeek Management Committee members, Gareth Jenkins and Ray Pratt, assisted by Paris, engaged with the public on this bright sunny day. The purpose of this event was to promote WGCG to the public, and …

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Deep time travel through Kenilworth

Ray Pratt will lead participants around the urban geology trail compiled by Ian Fenwick. Participants to meet at 12:15 at Abbey Fields car park for a 12:30 start. (Ray will be wearing a yellow fluorecent vest). This event has been organised on behalf of Kenilworth Council and their Nature Week initiative Pre registration is requested …

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WGCG Public Engagement Stall

As part of Kenilworth Nature Week an Geo-Week activities, WGCG will have a stall in Talisman Square, Kenilworth. The aim is to engage with the general public on the importance of geology in their daily lives. We will have a selected number of specimens available to help engage with the public and lots of brochures …

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The annual workshop back with a bang

On Saturday a capacity delegation participated in the “Geology of Warwickshire” workshop at the Kenilworth Senior Citizens Club. In addition to the 5 scheduled presentations, participants were able to enjoy the two displays set up, one on the Carboniferous and the other on the Jurassic. The meeting kicked off with a presentation from Mike Howe …

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Hybrid Meetings

During the pandemic the WGCG employed Zoom to keep our education program going to members and friends. As restrictions eased the management committee were agreed to continue to employ Zoom to maintain links with our large following, at the same time as restarting our talks programme in person. In order to do this we had …

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