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Feb 2020 Talk: “Geology & Wine in Southern France”
February 19, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Talk: “Geology & Wine in Southern France” Roger Suthren (Derby Univ.)
There will be a wine tasting session with nibbles after the talk and members are invited to give a donation of £2 to cover the cost of this.
For some, when tasting wine, terroir is very important but where does terroir come from and how did it get there? We hope to find out.

Geology and Wine in Southern France – Roger Suthren, University of Derby – Abstract
Languedoc-Roussillon is the largest wine-producing region in the world. Its varied geology and
structure provide a great range of terroirs and microclimates for vine growing, resulting in a broad
range of wine styles. Two E-W trending mountain belts – the Pyrenees in the south, and the
Montagne Noire-Cévennes in the north – are separated by the Languedoc Foreland Basin, filled by
Late Cretaceous to Eocene continental and shallow marine sediments. Basin sediments were
involved in N-S compression during Pyrenean mountain building: the resultant E-W ridges and
valleys are exploited for viticulture. Post- Pyrenean sedimentary basins and Quaternary volcanoes
provide added interest. Superb outcrops and scenery, combined with the Mediterranean climate
and fine food and wine, make for memorable fieldwork experiences.
• Booking: Visitors please e-mail [email protected] to say how many are coming have your place confirmed. Thank you.
More info, see: Geology and Wine, a web page with many links maintained by Roger Suthren
Link: http://virtual-geology.info/wine/
Recent publications by Roger Suthren
Suthren, R.J., Fowler, M.B. & Guion, P.D. 2006 Terroir, wine and geoscience fieldwork education in Languedoc-Roussillon, southern France In Macqueen, R.W. and Meinert, L.D. (eds.): Fine Wine and Terroir, The Geoscience Perspective. Geoscience Canada Reprint Series 9, 233-246
Roger Suthern is a volcanologist and French geo-wine expert.
WGCG Twitter Link – https://twitter.com/WGCG_UK/status/1228627652971462656
WGCG Facebook Link – https://www.facebook.com/events/1201526730036280/
Venue info
Talks are in the Church Hall at St Francis RC Church, 110 Warwick Road, Kenilworth CV8 1HL
Doors open at 7.00 pm for coffee before a 7.30 pm start.
Talks are free for WGCG members. Non-member visitors and guests are welcome and pay £2.00 per talk on the door. Free for those in full-time education.
Ample free parking and good and easy accessibility.